Tag: music
Explain To Me The Sea
Madonna’s song was not titled ‘poppadom street’, despite what you might have heard.
A Great Festive Song
Ed Harcourt’s alternative Christmas carol.
Sonic Youth’s ‘Sunday’ on 3 acoustic guitars
“A Thousand Trees” is great and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees.
Videogames and Jazz
A brief exploration of the relationship between videogames and jazz.
Mary Star of The Sea
Revisiting Zwan’s 2003 album ‘Mary Star of The Sea’.
Farewell, David Crosby
A brief remembrance of David Crosby.
In Rainbow Roads
Using Super Mario 64’s sound fonts to reconstruct Radiohead’s In Rainbows.
2022 in Media
Some thoughts on the 2022 media that meant the most to me.
Boil The Frog
Boil The Frog lets you generate a short playlist connecting two different bands or artists.
What is Bandcamp?
Extracts from an interview between Damon Krukowski and Ethan Diamond.