I played “Tears Of The Kingdom” for around 6 months this year and loved it (2023 media recap maybe upcoming?) and one of the things that imho elevated it above “Breath Of The Wild” was its approach to nonlinear storytelling. This piece by Marek Makowski captures my feelings well:
Much has been written about how to address “reality hunger,” the feeling that art no longer adequately represents our world and our daily lives, and how to create experimental art that imagines new perspectives on global crises like climate change. Tears of the Kingdom advances beyond the limits of modernist films and texts—you can’t wander the lines of a book like an open field, and you can’t step through the projector to explore—and proposes a more authentic storytelling for our time of global crisis: a storytelling of interconnected pieces, complete immersion, the accidental and the deliberate, and finally, responsibility and indifference.
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